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Rabbi Schwab is authorof the sefer Gigantic Little Secrets of the Torah vol 2 To purchase a copy, or to make a comment or ask a question contact: or 845-826-4789. Regular price $25. For 2 or more copies $18 each. To view Rabbi Schwab ‘s shiurim go to (over 1450 shiurim!). For audio only call 1-718-298-2077 pin 125.
Rabbi Ackerman is the author of Confident Parents, Competent Children, in Four Seconds at a Time Available at bookstores and on Amazon He can be reached at 718-344-6575
Rabbi Weber is rav and founder of Ohr Tzvi Montebello-Monsey and is Rabbi Emeritus of Toronto’s Clanton Park Synagogue. Please visit his website,, to sign up for his weekly email message, for information on his live or zoom shiurim or on having him as scholar in residence in your community. Please join his nightly amud yomi shiur at Yeshivas Toras Dovid, 69 Carlton Road in Monsey.
Rabbi Paysach Krohn is a Rav, mohel, author, and lecturer on topics related to ethics and spiritual growth. He is the author of the bestselling “Maggid” series of books for ArtScroll, inspired by the stories of Rabbi Sholom Schwadron, who was known as the “Maggid of Jerusalem”.
Naphtali Hoff, PsyD, is an executive coach who helps busy leaders be more productive so that they can scale profits with less stress and get home at a decent hour. For a free, no obligation consultation, please call 212.470.6139 or email Check out his new leadership book, “Becoming the New Boss”, on Amazon. Download his free productivity blueprint at Productivity-Blueprint
Did you ever notice…? Jonathan Gewirtz most likely did and in his syndicated weekly column, “The Observant Jew,” he combines humor and inspiration into a new, unique genre that is at once both entertaining and uplifting. Offering a Torah perspective on everyday occurrences and a positive, optimistic outlook on life, these words touch the heart and soul of readers around the world.
Rabbi Shafier is the author of the Shmuz on the Parsha book. All three volumes are available at your local sefarim store, or at All of the Shmuzin are available FREE of charge, at the or on the Shmuz app, for Android and Iphone.
Elan Perchik is Editorial Director of Watch/listen/download the video/audio version of this Torah class from Rabbi Haber and thousands of others by top Torah scholars at
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Avrumy is CEO of Oz Yavo Inc. a marketing and event planning consulting company by day, Yom Tov he runs hotel programs and for the fun of it he does #L ifeThoughts. For more laughs and further information follow him on Twitter @avrumyJ
Ann Zeilingold NMLS# 41850 is affiliated with FM Home Loans with offices in Brooklyn, Manhattan and Pomona NY. She has been helping families with their mortgage needs for the past 30+ years and is licensed in NY, NJ, FL, CT, PA, GA, IL, MD, CA, AZ, TX, MA, DC, VA. For a free copy of her book, “The Homebuyers Companion, a complete home buying guide” or if you have any mortgage questions, you can reach Ann by calling her office 845-354-9700 or on her cell 914-260-9000 or email Listen to Ann live on the radio, every Thursday morning at 7:15 am for “Mortgage matters” 1700 am or streaming live at